Luckily it is, really the case to say it Italian characters that succeed in doing, exists "news" out of the national confinements without scandals some. Italy fortunately-it is only underline-not pizza, mandolin and mafia and because no gaffe of the premier Berlusconi but it is also earth it forges of old and new talents. Speaking of old (it does him to say) talents, the home “cantantessa” for excellence, the beloved Carmen Consoli exhibits him today and tomorrow in two American dates made in New York recording a double sold out. Not only, as it brings an agency of yesterday Ease, the muse of Catania is conquered a presentation reserved to little chosens on the "The New Yorker" that it writes of her "it has a very beautiful voice and impassioned songs that don't need translation." Today you Take comfort her it will exhibit him within the APAP, the most important festival devoted to the American promoters, while tomorrow 9 January will be to her Poisson Rouge for limestone another prestigious stage, that of the Winter Jazz Festival in New York. Finally for the Italian fans in abstinence (!) to fill the temporal distance that separates us from the beginning of the double Italian tour. electric and acoustic - that 2 and 3 February it will depart to Rome, from tomorrow it enters the musical rotation of the Italian radios the piece "Send us a postcard",
new single extracted by the last one been born in Consoli’s home, the album "Elettra."
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